Did anybody say Sushi?

As a pseudo sushi lover, trying new places is always great fun! You can find a lot of sushi places in both Lisbon and Cascais and not for a very high price!

Sushi and Gin

This place used to be known as Infusão. This new project of mixing sushi and the gin trend, has only started a few months ago.

Still for me the best thing in this place is the sushi! There is a all you can eat menu for 20€ and the sushi has good quality and is delicious!
The bad part? I loved the idea of Sushi and Gin as I love both sushi and gin but I dont think it's working out the best. The first and second time I went there there were only a couple of gin brands and no gin bar that could make you a good mixure! There is only one brand of wine so the alternative is also not so good! Again the sushi is great!!!


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