Paris - for a first timer

I am starting this blog with one of my favorite cities in the world, Paris! Also one of my biggest friends is travelling there in a few months and asked me for some tips so here we go: Paris was the first place I ever travelled outside of Portugal by airplane. I was about 4 or 5 and I spent a few days with my parents in the city. Of course all I remember from this trip was walking around a lot, eating at McDonald’s because I found the food strange and going to the only place that will overshadow Paris for any child (and even some adults) - EuroDisney ! You see even a current travelling lover had to learn how to travel at some point :) Many years passed, I have been to Paris another 5 times and I can say, without a doubt, that the more you go to city of lights, the more you love it! Every time you visit there is something new to do…a new shop, a new trendy restaurant, a new bar, a temporary art exposition you simply must see! And then there are all the timeless things of P...